10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: INTC   Fiscal Year: 2009

Consolidated Statements of Operations

Period Ending Dec 26, 2009 10-K (Filed: Feb 22, 2010)

(In Millions)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 Dec 26, 2009Dec 27, 2008Dec 29, 2007
Net revenue
Cost of sales15,56616,74218,430
Gross margin19,56120,84419,904
Research and development5,6535,7225,755
Marketing, general and administrative7,9315,4525,401
Restructuring and asset impairment charges231710516
Amortization of acquisition-related intangibles35616
Operating expenses13,85011,89011,688
Operating income5,7118,9548,216
Gains (losses) on equity method investments, net(147)(1,380)3
Gains (losses) on other equity investments, net(23)(376)154
Interest and other, net163488793
Income before taxes5,7047,6869,166
Provision for taxes1,3352,3942,190
Net income4,3695,2926,976
Basic earnings per common share (in dollars per share)0.790.931.20
Diluted earnings per common share (in dollars per share)0.770.921.18
Weighted average common shares outstanding:
Basic (shares)5,5575,6635,816
Diluted (shares)5,6455,7485,936
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: INTC   Fiscal Year: 2009

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Period Ending Dec 26, 2009 10-K (Filed: Feb 22, 2010)

(In Millions, except shares in actual)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 Dec 26, 2009Dec 27, 2008Dec 29, 2007
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year
Cash flows provided by (used for) operating activities:
Net income4,3695,2926,976
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
Share-based compensation889851952
Restructuring, asset impairment, and net loss on retirement of assets368795564
Excess tax benefit from share-based payment arrangements(9)(30)(118)
Amortization of intangibles and other acquisition-related costs308256252
(Gains) losses on equity method investments, net1471,380(3)
(Gains) losses on other equity investments, net23376(154)
(Gains) losses on divestitures0(59)(21)
Deferred taxes271(790)(443)
Changes in assets and liabilities:
Trading assets299193(1,429)
Accounts receivable(535)260316
Accounts payable(506)29102
Accrued compensation and benefits247(569)354
Income taxes payable and receivable110(834)(248)
Other assets and liabilities(351)(189)279
Total adjustments6,8015,6345,649
Net cash provided by operating activities11,17010,92612,625
Cash flows provided by (used for) investing activities:
Additions to property, plant and equipment(4,515)(5,197)(5,000)
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired(853)(16)(76)
Purchases of available-for-sale investments(8,655)(6,479)(11,728)
Maturities and sales of available-for-sale investments7,7567,9938,011
Purchases of trading assets(4,186)(2,676)0
Maturities and sales of trading assets2,5431,7660
Loans receivable(343)00
Investments in non-marketable equity investments(250)(1,691)(1,459)
Return of equity method investment4493160
Proceeds from divestitures08532
Other investing activities8934294
Net cash used for investing activities(7,965)(5,865)(9,926)
Cash flows provided by (used for) financing activities:
Increase (decrease) in short-term debt, net(87)(40)(39)
Proceeds from government grants0182160
Excess tax benefit from share-based payment arrangements930118
Issuance of long-term debt1,9800125
Proceeds from sales of shares through employee equity incentive plans4001,1053,052
Repurchase and retirement of common stock(1,762)(7,195)(2,788)
Payment of dividends to stockholders(3,108)(3,100)(2,618)
Net cash used for financing activities(2,568)(9,018)(1,990)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents637(3,957)709
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year3,9873,3507,307
Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
Cash paid during the year for:
Interest, net of amounts capitalized of $86 in 2009 ($86 in 2008 and $57 in 2007)4615
Income taxes, net of refunds9434,0072,762
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: INTC   Fiscal Year: 2009

Consolidated Balance Sheets

Period Ending Dec 26, 2009 10-K (Filed: Feb 22, 2010)

(In Millions, except shares in actual)
 As ofAs of
 Dec 26, 2009Dec 27, 2008
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents
Short-term investments5,2855,331
Trading assets4,6483,162
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $19 ($17 in 2008)2,2731,712
Deferred tax assets1,2161,390
Other current assets8131,182
Total current assets21,15719,871
Property, plant and equipment, net17,22517,574
Marketable equity securities773352
Other long-term investments4,1792,924
Other long-term assets5,3405,819
Total assets53,09550,472
Liabilities and stockholders' equity
Current liabilities:
Short-term debt172102
Accounts payable1,8832,390
Accrued compensation and benefits2,4482,015
Accrued advertising773807
Deferred income on shipments to distributors593463 [1]
Other accrued liabilities1,6361,901
Income taxes payable86140
Total current liabilities7,5917,818
Long-term income taxes payable193736
Long-term debt2,0491,185
Long-term deferred tax liabilities55546
Other long-term liabilities1,0031,141
Commitments and contingencies (Notes 22 and 28)  
Stockholders' equity:
Preferred stock, $0.001 par value, 50 shares authorized; none issued00
Common stock, $0.001 par value, 10,000 shares authorized; 5,523 issued and outstanding (5,562 in 2008) and capital in excess of par value14,99313,402
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)393(393)
Retained earnings26,31826,537
Total stockholders' equity41,70439,546
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity53,09550,472
[1] As adjusted due to changes to the accounting for convertible debt instruments. See "Note 3: Accounting Changes."
External Links 
INTEL CORP (INTC) Fiscal Year 2009
Statements of 10-K in Excel https://www.sec.gov/.../Financial.xlxs
Complete 10-K in HTML https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K.html
Complete 10-K in XBRL https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K-xbrl.zip