10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: ADI   Fiscal Year: 2016

Consolidated Statements of Income

Period Ending Oct 29, 2016 10-K (Filed: Nov 22, 2016)

(In Thousands)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 Oct 29, 2016Oct 31, 2015Nov 1, 2014
Costs and Expenses
Cost of sales1,194,2361,175,8301,034,585
Gross margin2,227,1732,259,2621,830,188
Operating expenses:
Research and development653,816 [1]637,459559,686
Selling, marketing, general and administrative461,438478,972454,676
Amortization of intangible Assets Operating Expenses70,12388,31826,020
Special charges13,684037,322
Other Selling, General and Administrative Expense0223,6720
Total operating expenses1,199,0611,428,4211,077,704
Operating income from continuing operations1,028,112830,841752,484
Nonoperating (income) expenses:
Interest expense88,75727,03034,784
Interest income(21,221)(8,625)(12,173)
Other, net3,6552,322528
Total nonoperating (income) expense71,19120,72723,139
Income from continuing operations before income taxes956,921810,114729,345
Income Tax Expense (Benefit), Continuing Operations [Abstract]
Provision for income taxes95,257113,236100,025
Income from continuing operations, net of tax861,664696,878629,320
Net income861,664696,878629,320
Shares used to compute earnings per share - Basic (in shares)308,736312,660313,195
Shares used to compute earnings per share - Diluted (in shares)312,308316,872318,027
Earnings per share - Basic (in dollars per share)
Income from continuing operations, net of tax2.792.232.01
Earnings per share - Diluted (in dollars per share)
Income from continuing operations, net of tax2.762.201.98
Dividends declared and paid per share1.661.571.45
Includes stock-based compensation expense as follows:
Income Statement Location
Cost of sales
Stock-based compensation expense7,8088,9837,069
Research and development
Stock-based compensation expense27,03926,61720,707
Selling, marketing, general and administrative
Stock-based compensation expense28,57433,31923,036
[1] Includes stock-based compensation expense as follows:
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: ADI   Fiscal Year: 2016

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

Period Ending Oct 29, 2016 10-K (Filed: Nov 22, 2016)

(In Thousands, except shares in actual)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 Oct 29, 2016Oct 31, 2015Nov 1, 2014
Income from continuing operations, net of tax
Foreign currency translation adjustment(6,006)(12,925)(5,615)
Net unrealized (losses) gains on securities:
Net unrealized holding gains (losses) (net of taxes) on available-for-sale securities classified as short-term investments847(540)(306)
Net unrealized (losses) gains on securities847(540)(306)
Derivative instruments designated as cash flow hedges:
Changes in fair value of derivatives (net of taxes)(4,629)(28,798)(9,350)
Realized loss (gain) reclassification (net of taxes)3,43710,447912
Net change in derivative instruments designated as cash flow hedges(1,192)(18,351)(8,438)
Accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income - pension plans:
Transition asset (obligation) (net of taxes)171922
Net actuarial (loss) gain (net of taxes)(16,730)153,953(74,049)
Net prior service income (net of taxes)101(4,481)406
Net change in accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income - pension plans (net of taxes)(16,612)149,491(73,621)
Other comprehensive (loss) income(22,963)117,675(87,980)
Comprehensive income from continuing operations838,701814,553541,340
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: ADI   Fiscal Year: 2016

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Period Ending Oct 29, 2016 10-K (Filed: Nov 22, 2016)

(In Thousands, except shares in actual)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 Oct 29, 2016Oct 31, 2015Nov 1, 2014
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operations:
Amortization of intangibles75,25092,09327,906
Stock-based compensation expense63,42168,91950,812
Gains (Losses) on Extinguishment of Debt3,29000
Other non-cash activity24,5706,9744,423
Excess tax benefit - stock options(10,453)(25,045)(22,231)
Deferred income taxes8,124(52,214)(77,711)
Change in operating assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable(9,392)(71,198)(36,460)
Prepaid expenses and other current assets(5,618)2,861(5,354)
Deferred compensation plan investments(2,399)(2,643)(3,746)
Prepaid income tax(4,315)4,54610,499
Accounts payable, deferred income and accrued liabilities85,50256,61458,373
Deferred compensation plan liability2,3992,6433,746
Income taxes payable9,95025,06096,536
Other liabilities6,1417,720(3,217)
Total adjustments419,231210,920242,282
Net cash provided by operating activities1,280,895907,798871,602
Cash flows from investing:
Purchases of short-term available-for-sale investments(7,697,260)(6,083,999)(7,485,162)
Maturities of short-term available-for-sale investments6,375,3614,984,9807,318,877
Sales of short-term available-for-sale investments332,7161,251,1942,187,389
Additions to property, plant and equipment, net(127,397)(153,960)(177,913)
Payments for acquisitions, net of cash acquired(83,170)(7,065)(1,945,887)
(Increase) decrease in other assets(18,520)(8,275)(12,055)
Net cash used for investing activities(1,218,270)(17,125)(114,751)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from long-term debt1,235,33101,995,398
Payments of Derivative Instruments(33,430)00
Payments of Financing Costs(26,583)00
Early Repayment of Senior Debt(378,156)00
Term Loan Repayments00(1,995,398)
Dividend payments to shareholders(513,180)(491,059)(454,225)
Repurchase of common stock(370,061)(226,953)(356,346)
Net proceeds from employee stock plans61,496122,631200,114
Contingent consideration payment(1,409)(1,767)(3,576)
(Decrease) Increase in other financing activities(7,378)50015,192
Excess tax benefit - stock options10,45325,04522,231
Net cash (used for) provided by financing activities(22,917)(571,603)(576,610)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash(2,929)(3,950)(3,097)
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents36,779315,120177,144
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year884,353569,233
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year921,132884,353569,233
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: ADI   Fiscal Year: 2016

Consolidated Balance Sheets

Period Ending Oct 29, 2016 10-K (Filed: Nov 22, 2016)

(In Thousands, except shares in actual)
 As ofAs of
 Oct 29, 2016Oct 31, 2015
Amount Related To Stock Based Compensation
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents921,132884,353
Short-term investments3,134,6612,144,575
Accounts receivable less allowances477,609466,527
Inventories376,555 [1]412,314
Deferred tax assets0129,241
Prepaid income tax6,4051,941
Prepaid expenses and other current assets58,50140,597
Total current assets4,974,8634,079,548
Property, Plant and Equipment, at Cost
Land and buildings564,329559,660
Machinery and equipment1,994,1151,932,727
Office equipment58,78554,099
Leasehold improvements59,64955,609
Property, plant and equipment, at cost2,676,8782,602,095
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization2,040,7621,957,985
Net property, plant and equipment636,116644,110
Other Assets
Deferred compensation plan investments26,15223,753
Other investments21,93717,482
Intangible assets, net549,368583,517
Deferred tax assets36,00533,280
Other assets46,72140,561
Total other assets2,359,2992,335,119
Total assets7,970,2787,058,777
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable171,439174,247
Deferred income on shipments to distributors, net351,538300,087
Income taxes payable4,10015,062
Debt, current0374,594
Accrued liabilities255,857249,595
Total current liabilities782,9341,113,585
Non-current Liabilities
Long-term debt1,732,177495,341
Deferred income taxes109,931227,376
Deferred compensation plan liability26,15223,753
Other non-current liabilities153,466125,763
Total non-current liabilities2,021,726872,233
Commitments and contingencies (Note 12)  
Shareholders' Equity
Preferred stock, $1.00 par value, 471,934 shares authorized, none outstanding00
Common stock, $0.16 2/3 par value, 1,200,000,000 shares authorized51,36352,011
Capital in excess of par value402,270634,484
Retained earnings4,785,7994,437,315
Accumulated other comprehensive loss(73,814)(50,851)
Total shareholders' equity5,165,6185,072,959
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity7,970,2787,058,777
[1] Includes $2,486 and $2,923 related to stock-based compensation at October29, 2016 and October31, 2015, respectively.
External Links 
Statements of 10-K in Excel https://www.sec.gov/.../Financial.xlxs
Complete 10-K in HTML https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K.html
Complete 10-K in XBRL https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K-xbrl.zip