10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: SYK   Fiscal Year: 2020

Consolidated Statements Of Cash Flows

Period Ending Dec 31, 2020 10-K (Filed: Feb 11, 2021)

(In Millions, except shares in actual)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 Dec 31, 2020Dec 31, 2019Dec 31, 2018
Operating activities
Net earnings
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash provided by operating activities:
Amortization of intangible assets472464417
Asset impairments2151614
Share-based compensation142127119
Recall charges1719223
Sale of inventory stepped up to fair value at acquisition486716
Deferred income tax (benefit) expense48126(1,582)
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable354(563)(60)
Accounts payable10063116
Accrued expenses and other liabilities(54)113289
Recall-related payments(17)(177)(90)
Income taxes(16)(105)(156)
Other, net2(129)30
Net cash provided by operating activities3,2772,1912,610
Investing activities
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired(4,222)(802)(2,451)
Purchases of marketable securities(54)(74)(226)
Proceeds from sales of marketable securities6169394
Purchases of property, plant and equipment(487)(649)(572)
Other investing, net11(2)
Net cash used in investing activities(4,701)(1,455)(2,857)
Financing activities
Proceeds and payments on short-term borrowings, net(6)(7)(1)
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt3,2922,6423,126
Payments on long-term debt(2,297)(1,342)(669)
Dividends paid(863)(778)(703)
Repurchases of common stock0(307)(300)
Cash paid for taxes from withheld shares(110)(136)(120)
Payments to purchase noncontrolling interest00(14)
Other financing, net(27)(69)10
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities(11)31,329
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents41(18)(8)
Change in cash and cash equivalents(1,394)7211,074
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year4,3373,616
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year2,9434,3373,616
Supplemental cash flow disclosure:
Cash paid for income taxes, net of refunds323457539
Cash paid for interest on debt304286248
External Links 
STRYKER CORP (SYK) Fiscal Year 2020
Statements of 10-K in Excel https://www.sec.gov/.../Financial.xlxs
Complete 10-K in HTML https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K.html
Complete 10-K in XBRL https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K-xbrl.zip