10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: SPGI   Fiscal Year: 2009

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Period Ending Dec 31, 2009 10-K (Filed: Feb 24, 2010)

(In Thousands, except shares in actual)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 Dec 31, 2009Dec 31, 2008Dec 31, 2007
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Net income
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided by operating activities:
Amortization of intangibles52,72058,49748,403
Amortization of prepublication costs270,469270,442240,182
Provision for losses on accounts receivable31,63527,09814,991
Net change in deferred income taxes5,688(17)(46,615)
Stock-based compensation22,268(1,934)124,692
Loss/(gain) on disposition of businesses, net3,3040(21,432)
Change in operating assets and liabilities, net of effect of acquisitions and dispositions:
Accounts receivable50,31395,07071,448
Prepaid and other current assets(11,807)1,702(4,717)
Accounts payable and accrued expenses79(242,327)34,840
Unearned revenue25,61925,14586,877
Other current liabilities(14,453)26,31771,636
Net change in prepaid/accrued income taxes(17,892)7,354(36,940)
Net change in other assets and liabilities(29,711)4,7036,403
Cash provided by operating activities1,320,7791,168,7531,716,951
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Investment in prepublication costs(176,996)(254,106)(298,984)
Purchase of property and equipment(68,526)(105,978)(229,609)
Acquisition of businesses and equity interests0(48,261)(86,707)
Disposition of businesses and property and equipment15,19644062,261
Additions to technology projects(23,764)(25,353)(16,654)
Change in short-term investments(24,602)00
Cash used for investing activities(278,692)(433,258)(569,693)
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Dividends paid to shareholders(281,553)(280,455)(277,746)
Proceeds from issuance of senior notes, net001,188,803
Payments/additions on short-term debt, net(70,000)70,000(2,345)
Repurchase of treasury shares0(447,233)(2,212,655)
Exercise of stock options25,17441,420146,867
Excess tax benefit from share-based payments3293,98135,849
Cash used for financing activities(326,050)(612,287)(1,121,227)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash22,219(47,633)16,567
Net change in cash and equivalents738,25675,57542,598
Cash and equivalents at beginning of year471,671396,096
Cash and equivalents at end of year1,209,927471,671396,096
External Links 
S&P GLOBAL INC. (SPGI) Fiscal Year 2009
Statements of 10-K in Excel https://www.sec.gov/.../Financial.xlxs
Complete 10-K in HTML https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K.html
Complete 10-K in XBRL https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K-xbrl.zip