10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: PFE   Fiscal Year: 2016

Consolidated Statements of Income

Period Ending Dec 31, 2016 10-K (Filed: Feb 23, 2017)

(In Millions)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 Dec 31, 2016Dec 31, 2015Dec 31, 2014
Costs and expenses:
Cost of sales12,3299,6489,577
Selling, informational and administrative expenses14,83714,80914,097 [1]
Research and development expenses7,8727,6908,393
Amortization of intangible assets4,056 [2]3,7284,039
Restructuring charges and certain acquisition-related costs1,7241,152250
Other (income)/deductionsnet3,6552,8601,009
Income from continuing operations before provision for taxes on income8,3518,96512,240
Provision for taxes on income1,1231,9903,120
Income from continuing operations7,2296,9759,119
Discontinued operations:
Income from discontinued operationsnet of tax1617(6)
Gain/(loss) on disposal of discontinued operationsnet of tax0(6)55
Discontinued operationsnet of tax171148
Net income before allocation to noncontrolling interests7,2466,9869,168
Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests312632
Net income attributable to Pfizer Inc.7,2156,9609,135
Earnings per common sharebasic:
Income from continuing operations attributable to Pfizer Inc. common shareholders (in dollars per share)
Discontinued operationsnet of tax (in dollars per share)
Net income attributable to Pfizer Inc. common shareholders (in dollars per share)
Earnings per common sharediluted:
Income from continuing operations attributable to Pfizer Inc. common shareholders (in dollars per share)
Discontinued operationsnet of tax (in dollars per share)
Net income attributable to Pfizer Inc. common shareholders (in dollars per share)
Weighted-average sharesbasic6,0896,1766,346
Weighted-average sharesdiluted6,159 [3]6,2576,424
Cash dividends paid per common share (in dollars per share)
[2] Amounts may not add due to rounding.
[3] Amount for 2016 reflects the adoption of a new accounting standard, as of January 1, 2016, that requires when applying the treasury stock method for shares that could be repurchased, the assumed proceeds no longer include the amount of excess tax benefit (see Note 1B).
[1] Exclusive of amortization of intangible assets, except as disclosed in Note 1K. Basis of Presentation and Significant Accounting Policies: Amortization of Intangible Assets, Depreciation and Certain Long-Lived Assets.
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: PFE   Fiscal Year: 2016

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

Period Ending Dec 31, 2016 10-K (Filed: Feb 23, 2017)

(In Millions, except shares in actual)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 Dec 31, 2016Dec 31, 2015Dec 31, 2014
Net income before allocation to noncontrolling interests
Foreign currency translation adjustments, net(815)(3,110)(1,992)
Reclassification adjustments00(62) [1]
Other comprehensive income (loss), foreign currency transaction and translation adjustment, before tax, total(815) [2](3,110)(2,054)
Unrealized holding gains/(losses) on derivative financial instruments, net(442)20424
Reclassification adjustments for realized (gains)/losses452(368)477
Other comprehensive income (loss), derivatives qualifying as hedges, before tax, total10(165)501
Unrealized holding gains/(losses) on available-for-sale securities, net248(846)(640)
Reclassification adjustments for realized (gains)/losses(118)796 [3]222
Other comprehensive income (loss), available-for-sale securities adjustment, before tax, total130(50)(418)
Benefit plans: actuarial losses, net(1,888)(37)(4,173)
Reclassification adjustments related to amortization558550195
Reclassification adjustments related to settlements, net127 [4]671101
Defined benefit Plan, amounts recognized in other comprehensive income (loss), net gain (loss), before tax, total(1,009)1,383(3,690)
Benefit plans: prior service credits and other, net184432746
Reclassification adjustments related to amortization(173)(160)(73)
Reclassification adjustments related to curtailments, net(26)(32)8
Defined benefit plan, amounts recognized in other comprehensive income (loss), net prior service cost, before tax(8)237672
Other comprehensive loss, before tax(1,692)(1,705)(4,988)
Tax provision/(benefit) on other comprehensive loss(174)528(946) [5]
Other comprehensive loss before allocation to noncontrolling interests(1,518)(2,232)(4,042)
Comprehensive income before allocation to noncontrolling interests5,7284,7545,126
Less: Comprehensive income/(loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests28(1)36
Comprehensive income attributable to Pfizer Inc.5,7014,7555,090
[1] Reclassified into Gain on disposal of discontinued operationsnet of tax in the consolidated statements of income.
[2] Amounts may not add due to rounding.
[3] Reclassified into Other (income)/deductionsnet in the consolidated statements of income.
[4] Generally reclassified, as part of net periodic pension cost, into Cost of sales, Selling, informational and administrative expenses, and/or Research and development expenses, as appropriate, in the consolidated statements of income. For additional information, see Note 11. Pension and Postretirement Benefit Plans and Defined Contribution Plans.
[5] See Note 5E. Tax Matters: Tax Provision/(Benefit) on Other Comprehensive Loss.
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: PFE   Fiscal Year: 2016

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Period Ending Dec 31, 2016 10-K (Filed: Feb 23, 2017)

(In Millions, except shares in actual)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 Dec 31, 2016Dec 31, 2015Dec 31, 2014
Operating Activities
Net income before allocation to noncontrolling interests
Adjustments to reconcile net income before allocation to noncontrolling interests to net cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization5,7575,1575,537
Asset write-offs and impairments1,6131,119531
Foreign currency loss related to Venezuela0 [1]8060 [2]
Gain/(loss) on disposal of discontinued operations06(51)
Write-down of HIS net assets to fair value less estimated costs to sell1,71200
Deferred taxes from continuing operations(700)(20)320
Deferred taxes from discontinued operations02(3)
Share-based compensation expense691669586
Benefit plan contributions in excess of expense(712)(617)(199)
Other adjustments, net209(160)(430)
Other changes in assets and liabilities, net of acquisitions and divestitures:
Trade accounts receivable(134)21148
Other assets(60)2361,161
Trade accounts payable871254297
Other liabilities(223) [3]664(650)
Other tax accounts, net(734)(235)492
Net cash provided by operating activities15,90114,68817,084
Investing Activities
Purchases of property, plant and equipment(1,823)(1,397)(1,199)
Purchases of short-term investments(15,957)(28,581)(50,954)
Proceeds from redemptions/sales of short-term investments29,43640,06447,374
Net (purchases of)/proceeds from redemptions/sales of short-term investments with original maturities of three months or less(4,218)5,7683,930
Purchases of long-term investments(8,011)(9,542)(10,718)
Proceeds from redemptions/sales of long-term investments11,2546,9296,145
Acquisitions of businesses, net of cash acquired(18,368)(16,466)(195)
Acquisitions of intangible assets(176)(99) [4](384)
Other investing activities, net51344347
Net cash used in investing activities(7,811)(2,980)(5,654)
Financing Activities
Proceeds from short-term borrowings7,4725,55713
Principal payments on short-term borrowings(5,102)(3,965)(10)
Net proceeds from/(payments on) short-term borrowings with original maturities of three months or less(3,084)2,717(1,841)
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt10,97604,491
Principal payments on long-term debt(7,689)(2,990)(2,110)
Purchases of common stock(5,000)(6,160)(5,000)
Cash dividends paid(7,317)(6,940)(6,609)
Proceeds from exercise of stock options1,0191,2631,002
Other financing activities, net(196)109(123)
Net cash used in financing activities(8,921)(10,409)(10,187)
Effect of exchange-rate changes on cash and cash equivalents(215)(1,000)(83)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents(1,046)2981,160
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning3,6413,343
Cash and cash equivalents, end2,5953,6413,343
Supplemental Cash Flow Information
Exchange of Hospira subsidiary debt for Pfizer debt01,6690 [5]
Cash paid (received) during the period for:
Income taxes2,5212,3832,100
Interest rate hedges(338)(237)(374)
[3] Amounts reflect the adoption of a new accounting standard that requires that cash flows present (i) excess tax benefits as operating activities, rather than financing activities on a prospective basis beginning in the year of adoption, and (ii) cash paid by us when directly withholding shares for tax-withholding purposes as a cash outflow from financing activities, rather than operating activities and is reflected in the year of adoption and retrospectively in 2015 and 2014 (see Note 1B).
[4] Amounts may not add due to rounding.
[5] n October 2015, Pfizer exchanged $1.7 billion debt of its then recently acquired subsidiary, Hospira, for virtually the same amount of Pfizer debt. See Note 7D. Financial Instruments: Long-Term Debt.
[1] In 2015, represents a foreign currency loss related to conditions in Venezuela during 2015, that had us resolve that our Venezuelan bolivar-denominated net monetary assets that are subject to revaluation were no longer expected to be settled at the Venezuelan government CENCOEX official rate of 6.30, but rather at the then SIMADI rate of 200, the lowest official rate. Those conditions included the inability to obtain significant conversions of Venezuelan bolivars related to intercompany U.S. dollar denomina
[2] In 2016, represents a charge related to the write-down of the HIS net assets to fair value less estimated costs to sell. See Note 2B for additional information. | In 2016, primarily includes amounts to resolve a Multi-District Litigation relating to Celebrex and Bextra pending against the Company in New York federal court for $486 million, partially offset by the reversal of a legal accrual where a loss is no longer deemed probable. For additional information, see Note 17A5. In addition, 2016 includes a set
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: PFE   Fiscal Year: 2016

Consolidated Balance Sheets

Period Ending Dec 31, 2016 10-K (Filed: Feb 23, 2017)

(In Millions, except shares in actual)
 As ofAs of
 Dec 31, 2016Dec 31, 2015
Cash and cash equivalents
Short-term investments15,25519,649
Trade accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts: 2016$609; 2015$3848,225 [1]8,176
Inventories6,783 [2]7,513
Current tax assets3,0412,662
Other current assets2,2492,154
Assets held for sale8019
Total current assets38,94943,804
Long-term investments7,11615,999
Property, plant and equipment, less accumulated depreciation13,318 [3]13,766
Identifiable intangible assets, less accumulated amortization52,64840,356
Noncurrent deferred tax assets and other noncurrent tax assets1,8121,794
Other noncurrent assets3,3233,420
Total assets171,615167,381
Liabilities and Equity
Short-term borrowings, including current portion of long-term debt: 2016$4,225; 2015$3,71910,68810,159 [4]
Trade accounts payable4,5363,620
Dividends payable1,9441,852
Income taxes payable437418
Accrued compensation and related items2,4872,359
Other current liabilities11,02310,990
Total current liabilities31,11529,399
Long-term debt31,39828,740 [5]
Pension benefit obligations, net6,4066,310
Postretirement benefit obligations, net1,7661,809
Noncurrent deferred tax liabilities30,75326,877
Other taxes payable4,0003,992
Other noncurrent liabilities6,3375,257
Total liabilities111,776102,384
Commitments and Contingencies  
Preferred stock, no par value, at stated value; 27 shares authorized; issued: 2016597; 20156492426
Common stock, $0.05 par value; 12,000 shares authorized; issued: 20169,230; 20159,178461459
Additional paid-in capital82,68581,016
Treasury stock, shares at cost: 20163,160; 20153,003(84,364)(79,252)
Retained earnings71,77471,993
Accumulated other comprehensive loss(11,036)(9,522)
Total Pfizer Inc. shareholders equity59,54464,720
Equity attributable to noncontrolling interests296278
Total equity59,84064,998
Total liabilities and equity171,615167,381
[3] Reflects legacy Medivation and legacy Anacor amounts in 2016, commencing on the Medivation acquisition date, September 28, 2016, and Anacor acquisition date, June 24, 2016. Reflects legacy Hospira amounts in 2016 and 2015 commencing on the Hospira acquisition date, September 3, 2015. | The decrease in total property, plant and equipment is primarily due to depreciation, the reclassification of $457 million to Assets held for sale (see Note 2B) and, to a lesser extent, impairments and the impact of foreign e
[4] The differences between the estimated fair values and carrying values of held-to-maturity debt securities, private equity securities at cost-method and short-term borrowings not measured at fair value on a recurring basis were not significant as of December 31, 2016 or December 31, 2015. The fair value measurements of our held-to-maturity debt securities and our short-term borrowings are based on Level 2 inputs, using a market approach. The fair value measurements of our private equity securities carried at
[5] The fair value of our long-term debt (not including the current portion of long-term debt) was $34.9 billion as of December 31, 2016 and $32.7 billion as of December 31, 2015. The fair value measurements for our long-term debt are based on Level 2 inputs, using a market approach.
[1] Amounts may not add due to rounding.
[2] The change from December 31, 2015 reflects, among other things, the reclassification of $377 million to Assets held for sale (see Note 2B).
External Links 
PFIZER INC (PFE) Fiscal Year 2016
Statements of 10-K in Excel https://www.sec.gov/.../Financial.xlxs
Complete 10-K in HTML https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K.html
Complete 10-K in XBRL https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K-xbrl.zip