10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: MSFT   Fiscal Year: 2017


Period Ending June 30, 2017 10-K (Filed: Aug 2, 2017)

(In Millions)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 June 30, 2017June 30, 2016June 30, 2015
Service and other32,76023,81817,624
Total revenue89,950 [1]85,320 [2]93,580
Cost of revenue
Service and other19,08614,90011,628
Total cost of revenue34,26132,78033,038
Gross margin55,68952,54060,542
Research and development13,03711,98812,046
Sales and marketing15,53914,69715,713
General and administrative4,4814,5634,611
Impairment, integration, and restructuring3061,11010,011
Operating income22,32620,18218,161
Other income (expense), net823(431)346
Income before income taxes23,14919,75118,507
Provision for income taxes1,9452,9536,314
Net income21,204 [3]16,798 [4]12,193
Earnings per share:
Weighted average shares outstanding:
Cash dividends declared per common share1.561.441.24
[1] On December 8, 2016, we acquired LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn has been included in our consolidated results of operations starting on the acquisition date. | Reflects the impact of the net revenue deferral from Windows 10 of $1.9 billion, $2.0 billion, $1.5 billion, and $1.4 billion, for the first, second, third, and fourth quarter of fiscal year 2017, respectively, and $6.7 billion for fiscal year 2017.
[2] Reflects the impact of the net revenue deferral from Windows 10 of $1.3 billion, $1.7 billion, $1.6 billion, and $2.0 billion, for the first, second, third, and fourth quarter of fiscal year 2016, respectively, and $6.6 billion for fiscal year 2016.
[3] Includes $306 million of employee severance expenses primarily related to our sales and marketing restructuring plan, which decreased operating income, net income, and diluted EPS by $306 million, $243 million, and $0.03, respectively.
[4] Includes $630 million of asset impairment charges related to our phone business, and $480 million of restructuring charges associated with our 2016 restructuring plans, which together decreased operating income, net income, and diluted EPS by $1.1 billion, $895 million, and $0.11, respectively.
External Links 
MICROSOFT CORP (MSFT) Fiscal Year 2017
Statements of 10-K in Excel https://www.sec.gov/.../Financial.xlxs
Complete 10-K in HTML https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K.html
Complete 10-K in XBRL https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K-xbrl.zip