10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: MS   Fiscal Year: 2016

Consolidated Balance Sheets

Period Ending Dec 31, 2016 10-K (Filed: Feb 27, 2017)

(In Millions, except shares in actual)
 As ofAs of
 Dec 31, 2016Dec 31, 2015
Cash and due from banks
Interest bearing deposits with banks21,36434,256
Trading assets, at fair value ($152,548 and $127,627 were pledged to various parties)262,154239,505
Investment securities (includes $63,170 and $66,759 at fair value)80,09271,983
Securities purchased under agreements to resell (includes $302 and $806 at fair value)101,95587,657
Securities borrowed125,236142,416
Customer and other receivables46,46045,407
Held for investment (net of allowance of $274 and $225)81,70472,559
Held for sale12,54413,200
Intangible assets (net of accumulated amortization of $2,421 and $2,130)2,7212,984
Other assets52,12551,087
Total assets814,949787,465
Deposits (includes $63 and $125 at fair value)155,863156,034
Short-term borrowings (includes $406 and $1,648 at fair value)9412,173
Trading liabilities, at fair value128,194128,455
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase (includes $729 and $683 at fair value)54,62836,692
Securities loaned15,84419,358
Other secured financings (includes $5,041 and $2,854 at fair value)11,1189,464
Customer and other payables190,513186,626
Other liabilities and accrued expenses15,89618,711
Long-term borrowings (includes $38,736 and $33,045 at fair value)164,775153,768
Total liabilities737,772711,281
Commitments and contingent liabilities  
Morgan Stanley shareholders' equity:
Preferred stock7,5207,520
Common stock, $0.01 par value: Shares authorized: 3,500,000,000; Shares issued: 2,038,893,979; Shares outstanding: 1,852,481,601 and 1,920,024,0272020
Additional paid-in capital23,27124,153
Retained earnings53,67949,204
Employee stock trusts2,8512,409
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)(2,643)(1,656)
Common stock held in treasury, at cost, $0.01 par value (186,412,378 and 118,869,952 shares)(5,797)(4,059)
Common stock issued to employee stock trusts(2,851)(2,409)
Total Morgan Stanley shareholders' equity76,05075,182
Noncontrolling interests1,1271,002
Total equity77,17776,184
Total liabilities and equity814,949787,465
External Links 
MORGAN STANLEY (MS) Fiscal Year 2016
Statements of 10-K in Excel https://www.sec.gov/.../Financial.xlxs
Complete 10-K in HTML https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K.html
Complete 10-K in XBRL https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K-xbrl.zip