10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: META   Fiscal Year: 2012


Period Ending Dec 31, 2012 10-K (Filed: Feb 1, 2013)

(In Millions, except shares in actual)
 As ofAs of
 Dec 31, 2012Dec 31, 2011
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents
Marketable securities7,2422,396
Accounts receivable, net of allowances for doubtful accounts of $22 and $17 as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively719547
Income tax refundable4510
Prepaid expenses and other current assets471149
Total current assets11,2674,604
Property and equipment, net2,3911,475
Goodwill and intangible assets, net1,388162
Other assets5790
Total assets15,1036,331
Liabilities and stockholders' equity
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable6563
Platform partners payable169171
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities423296
Deferred revenue and deposits3090
Current portion of capital lease obligations365279
Total current liabilities1,052899
Capital lease obligations, less current portion491398
Long-term debt1,5000
Other liabilities305135
Total liabilities3,3481,432
Commitments and contingencies  
Stockholders' equity:
Convertible preferred stock0615
Common stock value00
Additional paid-in capital10,0942,684
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)2(6)
Retained earnings1,6591,606
Total stockholders equity11,7554,899
Total liabilities and stockholders equity15,1036,331
External Links 
META PLATFORMS, INC. (META) Fiscal Year 2012
Statements of 10-K in Excel https://www.sec.gov/.../Financial.xlxs
Complete 10-K in HTML https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K.html
Complete 10-K in XBRL https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K-xbrl.zip