10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: IBM   Fiscal Year: 2017

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Period Ending Dec 31, 2017 10-K (Filed: Feb 27, 2018)

(In Millions, except shares in actual)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 Dec 31, 2017Dec 31, 2016Dec 31, 2015
Cash flows from operating activities
Net income
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided by operating activities
Amortization of intangibles1,5201,5441,193
Stock-based compensation534544468
Deferred taxes(931)(1,132)1,387
Net (gain)/loss on asset sales and other1462481
Loss on microelectronics business disposal71
Change in operating assets and liabilities, net of acquisitions/divestitures
Receivables (including financing receivables)1,297712812
Retirement related1,01454(22)
Other assets/other liabilities4,437408(3,200) [1]
Accounts payable4719781
Net cash provided by operating activities16,72417,08417,255
Cash flows from investing activities
Payments for property, plant and equipment(3,229)(3,567)(3,579)
Proceeds from disposition of property, plant and equipment460424370
Investment in software(544)(583)(572)
Purchases of marketable securities and other investments(4,964)(5,917)(3,073)
Proceeds from disposition of marketable securities and other investments3,9105,6922,842
Non-operating finance receivables - net(2,028)(891)(398)
Acquisition of businesses, net of cash acquired(496)(5,679)(3,349)
Divestiture of businesses, net of cash transferred(205)(454)(401)
Net cash used in investing activities(7,096)(10,976)(8,159)
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from new debt9,6439,1325,540
Payments to settle debt(6,816)(6,395)(5,622)
Short-term borrowings/(repayments) less than 90 days - net62026101
Common stock repurchases(4,340)(3,502)(4,609)
Common stock repurchases for tax withholdings(193)(126)(248)
Common stock transactions - other175204322
Cash dividends paid(5,506)(5,256)(4,897)
Net cash used in financing activities(6,418)(5,917)(9,413)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents937(51)(473)
Net change in cash and cash equivalents4,146140(790)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period7,8267,686
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period11,9727,8267,686
Supplemental data
Income taxes paid - net of refunds received1,5971,0782,657
Interest paid on debt1,2081,158995
[1] Reclassified to reflect adoption of the FASB guidance on share-based compensation.
External Links 
Statements of 10-K in Excel https://www.sec.gov/.../Financial.xlxs
Complete 10-K in HTML https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K.html
Complete 10-K in XBRL https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K-xbrl.zip