10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: GE   Fiscal Year: 2010

Statement of Cash Flows

Period Ending Dec 31, 2010 10-K (Filed: Feb 25, 2011)

(In Millions, except shares in actual)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 Dec 31, 2010Dec 31, 2009Dec 31, 2008
Cash flows - operating activities
Net earnings
Less net earnings attributable to noncontrolling interests535200641
Net earnings attributable to the Company11,64411,02517,410
(Earnings) loss from discontinued operations979(82)617
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings attributable to the Company to cash provided from operating activities
Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment10,01310,61911,481
Earnings from continuing operations retained by GECS   
Deferred income taxes1,046(2,793)(1,282)
Decrease (increase) in GE current receivables(126)3,273(24)
Decrease (increase) in inventories3421,101(719)
Increase (decrease) in accounts payable805(439)(1,063)
Increase (decrease) in GE progress collections(1,177)(500)2,827
Provision for losses on GECS financing receivables7,19110,6277,233
All other operating activities (Note 25)5,075(8,433)11,214
Cash from (used for) operating activities - continuing operations35,79224,39847,694
Cash from (used for) operating activities - discontinued operations33119959
Cash from (used for) operating activities36,12324,41748,653
Cash flows - investing activities
Additions to property, plant and equipment(9,800)(8,634)(16,010)
Dispositions of property, plant and equipment7,2086,47810,954
Net decrease (increase) in GECS financing receivables25,01042,917(17,143)
Proceeds from sales of discontinued operations2,5105,423
Proceeds from principal business dispositions3,0629,9784,986
Payments for principal businesses purchased(1,212)(7,842)(28,110)
Capital contribution from GE to GECS   
All other investing activities7,703(2,070)6,168
Cash from (used for) investing activities - continuing operations34,48140,827(33,732)
Cash from (used for) investing activities - discontinued operations(2,045)1,551(1,036)
Cash from (used for) investing activities32,43642,378(34,768)
Cash flows - financing activities
Net increase (decrease) in borrowings (maturities of 90 days or less)(1,228)(26,115)(48,511)
Net increase (decrease) in bank deposits4,603(3,784)20,623
Newly issued debt (maturities longer than 90 days)47,64282,838116,624
Repayments and other reductions (maturities longer than 90 days)(100,154)(85,016)(68,993)
Proceeds from issuance of preferred stock and warrants2,965
Proceeds from issuance of common stock12,006
Net dispositions (purchases) of GE shares for treasury(1,263)623(1,249)
Dividends paid to shareowners(4,790)(8,986)(12,408)
Capital contribution from GE to GECS   
Purchases of subsidiary shares from noncontrolling interests(2,633)
All other financing activities(3,647)(3,204)(1,862)
Cash from (used for) financing activities - continuing operations(61,470)(43,644)19,195
Cash from (used for) financing activities - discontinued operations(116)131(59)
Cash from (used for) financing activities(61,586)(43,513)19,136
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and equivalents(333)795(685)
Increase (decrease) in cash and equivalents6,64024,07732,336
Cash and equivalents at beginning of year72,44448,367
Cash and equivalents at end of year79,08472,44448,367
Less cash and equivalents of discontinued operations at end of year1261,956255
Cash and equivalents of continuing operations at end of year78,95870,48848,112
Supplemental Cash Flows Information
Cash paid during the year for interest(17,132)(19,601)(25,853)
Cash recovered (paid) during the year for income taxes(2,671)(2,535)(3,237)
Statements by entity
Financial Services (GECS)
Net earnings2,1711,4307,286
Less net earnings attributable to noncontrolling interests1615231
Net earnings attributable to the Company2,1551,4157,055
(Earnings) loss from discontinued operations975(100)657
Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment7,7538,3089,319
Earnings from continuing operations retained by GECS   
Deferred income taxes1,423(2,333)(865)
Decrease (increase) in GE current receivables   
Decrease (increase) in inventories5(6)(14)
Increase (decrease) in accounts payable(194)(338)(1,030)
Increase (decrease) in GE progress collections   
Provision for losses on GECS financing receivables7,19110,6277,233
All other operating activities (Note 25)1,862(10,164)8,650
Cash from (used for) operating activities - continuing operations21,1707,40931,005
Cash from (used for) operating activities - discontinued operations33117964
Cash from (used for) operating activities21,5017,42631,969
Additions to property, plant and equipment(7,674)(6,443)(13,321)
Dispositions of property, plant and equipment7,2086,47810,954
Net decrease (increase) in GECS financing receivables26,29843,179(17,034)
Proceeds from sales of discontinued operations2,5105,220
Proceeds from principal business dispositions1,1719,0884,928
Payments for principal businesses purchased(559)(7,414)(24,961)
Capital contribution from GE to GECS   
All other investing activities7,401(1,236)6,452
Cash from (used for) investing activities - continuing operations36,35543,652(27,762)
Cash from (used for) investing activities - discontinued operations(2,045)1,553(1,041)
Cash from (used for) investing activities34,31045,205(28,803)
Net increase (decrease) in borrowings (maturities of 90 days or less)(652)(27,256)(45,572)
Net increase (decrease) in bank deposits4,603(3,784)20,623
Newly issued debt (maturities longer than 90 days)37,97081,065116,172
Repayments and other reductions (maturities longer than 90 days)(97,600)(83,341)(67,057)
Proceeds from issuance of preferred stock and warrants   
Proceeds from issuance of common stock   
Net dispositions (purchases) of GE shares for treasury   
Dividends paid to shareowners(2,351)
Capital contribution from GE to GECS9,5005,500
Purchases of subsidiary shares from noncontrolling interests(633)  
All other financing activities(3,317)(2,691)(1,862)
Cash from (used for) financing activities - continuing operations(59,629)(26,507)25,453
Cash from (used for) financing activities - discontinued operations(116)131(59)
Cash from (used for) financing activities(59,745)(26,376)25,394
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and equivalents(208)619(633)
Increase (decrease) in cash and equivalents(4,142)26,87427,927
Cash and equivalents at beginning of year64,54037,666
Cash and equivalents at end of year60,39864,54037,666
Less cash and equivalents of discontinued operations at end of year1261,956255
Cash and equivalents of continuing operations at end of year60,27262,58437,411
Cash paid during the year for interest(16,401)(18,833)(24,663)
Cash recovered (paid) during the year for income taxes104543(610)
Net earnings12,16311,21017,820
Less net earnings attributable to noncontrolling interests519185410
Net earnings attributable to the Company11,64411,02517,410
(Earnings) loss from discontinued operations979(82)617
Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment2,2602,3112,162
Earnings from continuing operations retained by GECS(3,130)(1,315)(5,361)
Deferred income taxes(377)(460)(417)
Decrease (increase) in GE current receivables(963)3,056(168)
Decrease (increase) in inventories4091,188(524)
Increase (decrease) in accounts payable1,052(918)233
Increase (decrease) in GE progress collections(1,158)(257)2,896
Provision for losses on GECS financing receivables   
All other operating activities (Note 25)4,0301,8572,290
Cash from (used for) operating activities - continuing operations14,74616,40519,138
Cash from (used for) operating activities - discontinued operations2(5)
Cash from (used for) operating activities14,74616,40719,133
Additions to property, plant and equipment(2,418)(2,429)(2,996)
Dispositions of property, plant and equipment   
Net decrease (increase) in GECS financing receivables   
Proceeds from sales of discontinued operations203
Proceeds from principal business dispositions1,72189058
Payments for principal businesses purchased(653)(428)(3,149)
Capital contribution from GE to GECS(9,500)(5,500) [1]
All other investing activities(550)(198)324
Cash from (used for) investing activities - continuing operations(1,900)(11,665)(11,060)
Cash from (used for) investing activities - discontinued operations(2)5
Cash from (used for) investing activities(1,900)(11,667)(11,055)
Net increase (decrease) in borrowings (maturities of 90 days or less)(671)317(2,152)
Net increase (decrease) in bank deposits   
Newly issued debt (maturities longer than 90 days)9,4741,883136
Repayments and other reductions (maturities longer than 90 days)(2,554)(1,675)(1,936)
Proceeds from issuance of preferred stock and warrants2,965
Proceeds from issuance of common stock12,006
Net dispositions (purchases) of GE shares for treasury(1,263)623(1,249)
Dividends paid to shareowners(4,790)(8,986)(12,408)
Capital contribution from GE to GECS   
Purchases of subsidiary shares from noncontrolling interests(2,000)
All other financing activities(330)(514)
Cash from (used for) financing activities - continuing operations(2,134)(8,352)(2,638)
Cash from (used for) financing activities - discontinued operations   
Cash from (used for) financing activities(2,134)(8,352)(2,638)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and equivalents(125)176(52)
Increase (decrease) in cash and equivalents10,587(3,436)5,388
Cash and equivalents at beginning of year8,65412,090
Cash and equivalents at end of year19,2418,65412,090
Less cash and equivalents of discontinued operations at end of year   
Cash and equivalents of continuing operations at end of year19,2418,65412,090
Cash paid during the year for interest(731)(768)(1,190)
Cash recovered (paid) during the year for income taxes(2,775)(3,078)(2,627)
[1] Represents the adding together of all affiliated companies except General Electric Capital Services, Inc. (GECS or financial services), which is presented on a one-line basis. See Note 1.
External Links 
Statements of 10-K in Excel https://www.sec.gov/.../Financial.xlxs
Complete 10-K in HTML https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K.html
Complete 10-K in XBRL https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K-xbrl.zip