10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: ELV   Fiscal Year: 2011

Consolidated Statements Of Cash Flows

Period Ending Dec 31, 2011 10-K (Filed: Feb 22, 2012)

(In Thousands, except shares in actual)
 12 Months Ended12 Months Ended12 Months Ended
 Dec 31, 2011Dec 31, 2010Dec 31, 2009
Operating activities
Net income
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
Net realized gains/losses on investments(235,100)(194,100)(56,400)
Other-than-temporary impairment losses recognized in income93,30039,400450,200
Loss on disposal of assets3,3001,90016,400
Gain on sale of business(3,792,300)
Deferred income taxes74,300101,80061,300
Amortization, net of accretion541,500497,700446,400
Impairment of goodwill and other intangible assets21,100262,500
Depreciation expense95,700103,100107,100
Impairment of property and equipment95,300
Share-based compensation134,800136,000153,600
Excess tax benefits from share-based compensation(42,200)(28,100)(9,600)
Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of effect of business combinations:
Receivables, net(401,800)109,700(484,200)
Other invested assets(8,900)5,100(62,500)
Other assets(259,200)(320,100)(119,300)
Policy liabilities978,000(330,700)(748,200)
Unearned income35,100(158,600)(27,300)
Accounts payable and accrued expenses(208,700)(58,200)952,800
Other liabilities(13,600)(208,400)(248,800)
Income taxes(44,600)(1,239,800)1,391,400
Other, net(14,200)(43,500)(100)
Net cash provided by operating activities3,374,4001,416,7003,038,900
Investing activities
Purchases of fixed maturity securities(11,914,800)(10,567,200)(7,186,800)
Proceeds from fixed maturity securities:
Maturities, calls and redemptions1,891,3003,321,7001,551,700
Purchases of equity securities(355,600)(350,900)(318,900)
Proceeds from sales of equity securities287,400197,900577,300
Purchases of other invested assets(207,900)(91,400)(49,000)
Proceeds from sales of other invested assets29,40034,5003,500
Changes in securities lending collateral28,900(504,800)132,400
Purchases of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired(600,000)(300)(66,300)
Proceeds from sales of subsidiaries, net of cash sold4,672,300
Purchases of property and equipment(519,500)(451,400)(378,400)
Proceeds from sales of property and equipment3,700800400
Other, net(31,100)(75,500)(32,000)
Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities(942,000)(1,271,500)3,002,800
Financing activities
Net proceeds from (repayments of) commercial paper borrowings463,600(164,400)(397,000)
Proceeds from long-term borrowings1,097,4001,088,500990,300
Repayments of long-term borrowings(705,100)(481,700)(919,300)
Proceeds from short-term borrowings100,000100,000
Repayments of short-term borrowings(100,000)(98,000)
Changes in securities lending payable(29,000)504,900(132,400)
Changes in bank overdrafts264,300(28,000)(344,100)
Repurchase and retirement of common stock(3,039,800)(4,360,300)(2,638,400)
Cash dividends(357,800)
Proceeds from issuance of common stock under employee stock plans245,000143,600126,500
Excess tax benefits from share-based compensation42,20028,1009,600
Net cash used in financing activities(2,019,200)(3,169,300)(3,402,800)
Effect of foreign exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents(400)(3,200)(6,700)
Change in cash and cash equivalents412,800(3,027,300)2,632,200
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year1,788,8004,816,100
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year2,201,6001,788,8004,816,100
External Links 
ELEVANCE HEALTH, INC. (ELV) Fiscal Year 2011
Statements of 10-K in Excel https://www.sec.gov/.../Financial.xlxs
Complete 10-K in HTML https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K.html
Complete 10-K in XBRL https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K-xbrl.zip