10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: BAC   Fiscal Year: 2021

Consolidated Balance Sheet

Period Ending Dec 31, 2021 10-K (Filed: Feb 22, 2022)

(In Millions, except shares in actual)
 As ofAs of
 Dec 31, 2021Dec 31, 2020
Cash and due from banks
Interest-bearing deposits with the Federal Reserve, non-U.S. central banks and other banks318,999344,033
Cash and cash equivalents348,221380,463
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments7,1446,546
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell (includes $150,665 and $108,856 measured at fair value)250,720304,058
Trading account assets (includes $103,434 and $91,510 pledged as collateral)247,080198,854
Derivative assets35,34447,179
Debt securities:
Carried at fair value308,073246,601
Held-to-maturity, at cost (fair value $665,890 and $448,180)674,554438,249
Total debt securities982,627684,850
Loans and leases (includes $7,819 and $6,681 measured at fair value)979,124927,861
Allowance for loan and lease losses(12,387)(18,802)
Loans and leases, net of allowance966,737909,059
Premises and equipment, net10,83311,000
Loans held-for-sale (includes $4,455 and $1,585 measured at fair value)15,6359,243
Customer and other receivables72,26364,221
Other assets (includes $12,144 and $15,718 measured at fair value)163,869135,203
Total assets3,169,4952,819,627
Deposits in U.S. offices:
Interest-bearing (includes $408 and $481 measured at fair value)1,165,9141,038,341
Deposits in non-U.S. offices:
Total deposits2,064,4461,795,480
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase (includes $139,641 and $135,391 measured at fair value)192,329170,323
Trading account liabilities100,69071,320
Derivative liabilities37,67545,526
Short-term borrowings (includes $4,279 and $5,874 measured at fair value)23,75319,321
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (includes $11,489 and $16,311 measured at fair value and $1,456 and $1,878 of reserve for unfunded lending commitments)200,419181,799
Long-term debt (includes $29,708 and $32,200 measured at fair value)280,117262,934
Total liabilities2,899,4292,546,703
Commitments and contingencies (Note 6 Securitizations and Other Variable Interest Entities and Note 12 Commitments and Contingencies)  
Shareholders equity
Preferred stock, $0.01 par value; authorized 100,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding 3,939,686 and 3,931,440 shares24,70824,510
Common stock and additional paid-in capital, $0.01 par value; authorized 12,800,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding 8,077,831,463 and 8,650,814,105 shares62,39885,982
Retained earnings188,064164,088
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)(5,104)(1,656)
Total shareholders equity270,066272,924
Total liabilities and shareholders equity3,169,4952,819,627
Consolidated Entities
Consolidated VIEs
Trading account assets (includes $103,434 and $91,510 pledged as collateral)5,0045,225
Loans and leases (includes $7,819 and $6,681 measured at fair value)17,13523,636
Allowance for loan and lease losses(958)(1,693)
Loans and leases, net of allowance16,17721,943
Other assets (includes $12,144 and $15,718 measured at fair value)1891,387
Total assets21,37028,555
Short-term borrowings (includes $4,279 and $5,874 measured at fair value)247454
Long-term debt (includes $29,708 and $32,200 measured at fair value)3,5877,053
All other liabilities (includes $7 and $16 of non-recourse liabilities)716
Total liabilities3,8417,523
External Links 
BANK OF AMERICA CORP /DE/ (BAC) Fiscal Year 2021
Statements of 10-K in Excel https://www.sec.gov/.../Financial.xlxs
Complete 10-K in HTML https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K.html
Complete 10-K in XBRL https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K-xbrl.zip