10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC
10-K.Info (Beta Test)
Courtesy of Short Sands, LLC


Ticker: BAC   Fiscal Year: 2011

Consolidated Balance Sheet

Period Ending Dec 31, 2011 10-K (Filed: Feb 23, 2012)

(In Millions, except shares in actual)
 As ofAs of
 Dec 31, 2011Dec 31, 2010
Cash and cash equivalents
Time deposits placed and other short-term investments26,00426,433
Federal funds sold and securities borrowed or purchased under agreements to resell (includes $87,453 and $78,599 measured at fair value)211,183209,616
Trading account assets (includes $80,130 and $89,165 pledged as collateral)169,319194,671
Derivative assets (includes $58,891 and $58,297 pledged as collateral)73,02373,000
Debt securities:
Available-for-sale (includes $69,021 and $99,925 pledged as collateral)276,151337,627
Held-to-maturity, at cost (fair value - $35,442 and $427; $24,009 pledged as collateral in 2011)35,265427
Total debt securities311,416338,054
Loans and leases (includes $8,804 and $3,321 measured at fair value and $73,463 and $91,730 pledged as collateral)926,200940,440
Allowance for loan and lease losses(33,783)(41,885)
Loans and leases, net of allowance892,417898,555
Premises and equipment, net13,63714,306
Mortgage servicing rights (includes $7,378 and $14,900 measured at fair value)7,51015,177
Intangible assets8,0219,923
Loans held-for-sale (includes $7,630 and $25,942 measured at fair value)13,76235,058
Customer and other receivables66,99985,704
Other assets (includes $37,084 and $70,531 measured at fair value)145,686182,124
Total assets2,129,0462,264,909
Deposits in U.S. offices:
Interest-bearing (includes $3,297 and $2,732 measured at fair value)624,814645,713
Deposits in Non-U.S. offices:
Total Deposits1,033,0411,010,430
Federal funds purchased and securities loaned or sold under agreements to repurchase (includes $34,235 and $37,424 measured at fair value)214,864245,359
Trading account liabilities60,50871,985
Derivative Liabilities59,52055,914
Commercial paper and other short-term borrowings (includes $6,558 and $7,178 measured at fair value)35,69859,962
Accrued expenses and other liabilities (includes $15,743 and $33,229 measured at fair value and $714 and $1,188 of reserve for unfunded lending commitments)123,049144,580
Long-term Debt372,265448,431
Total liabilities1,898,9452,036,661
Commitments and contingencies (Note 8 Securitizations and Other Variable Interest Entities, Note 9 Representations and Warranties Obligations and Corporate Guarantees and Note 14 Commitments and Contingencies)  
Shareholders equity
Preferred stock, $0.01 par value; authorized 100,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding 3,689,084 and 3,943,660 shares18,39716,562
Common stock and additional paid-in capital, $0.01 par value; authorized 12,800,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding 10,535,937,957 and 10,085,154,806 shares156,621150,905
Retained earnings60,52060,849
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)(5,437)(66)
Total shareholders equity230,101228,248
Total liabilities and shareholders equity2,129,0462,264,909
Variable Interest Entities by Classification of Entity
Consolidated VIEs
Trading account assets (includes $80,130 and $89,165 pledged as collateral)8,59519,627
Derivative assets (includes $58,891 and $58,297 pledged as collateral)1,6342,027
Available-for-sale (includes $69,021 and $99,925 pledged as collateral)02,601
Loans and leases (includes $8,804 and $3,321 measured at fair value and $73,463 and $91,730 pledged as collateral)140,194145,469
Allowance for loan and lease losses(5,066)(8,935)
Loans and leases, net of allowance135,128136,534
Loans held-for-sale (includes $7,630 and $25,942 measured at fair value)1,6351,953
Other assets (includes $37,084 and $70,531 measured at fair value)4,7697,086
Total assets151,761169,828
Commercial paper and other short-term borrowings (includes $6,558 and $7,178 measured at fair value)5,7776,742
Long-term Debt49,05471,013
All other liabilities (includes $225 and $382 of non-recourse liabilities)1,1169,141
Total liabilities55,94786,896
External Links 
BANK OF AMERICA CORP /DE/ (BAC) Fiscal Year 2011
Statements of 10-K in Excel https://www.sec.gov/.../Financial.xlxs
Complete 10-K in HTML https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K.html
Complete 10-K in XBRL https://www.sec.gov/.../10-K-xbrl.zip